Friday, August 23, 2013

Blogging is a scary thing!

Writing for all the world to see is a very daunting task.  After the last post, I shut down!  I didn't know what else to say.  I thought I had said everything that was in my heart to say.  Lots of time has passed and I've realized this blog could be a place for me to collect the little nuggets of wisdom I happen upon in my day.  Here is one that is very timely, as the school year starts.
I found this list that I wrote last year- our goals for the homeschool year.  It was so encouraging to read it again, I thought I'd share:
"In homeschooling this year (2012)
I give myself permission to:
#1. Make mistakes
#2. Start at a time in the AM that is good for me
#3. Not take on all 3 kids at once
#4. Ask for help
#5. Skip on a high pain day
#6. Not push the kids to frustration, just to accomplish 'x' # of pages

I will try to:
#1. Get up & not be utterly grouchy
#2. Focus on one given child at a time
#3. Be prepared with an alternate plan
#4. Allow my kids to make mistakes

#1. Have a defined school year with defined breaks
#2. Make it through 3/4ths of 85% of the books
#3. (Kids grade levels)
#4. Plan field trips!


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