Tuesday, March 19, 2013


    Hi and welcome to my blog!  I hope you find something here worth reading and taking the time to pray about.  Don't ever just take my word for it on the subjects covered here.  Always take things back to the ultimate Authority and Author of Life.  
    I didn't ever think I would be a blogger.  In fact, I'm slightly skeptical of blogs in general.  But lately I have found a few blogs with truly honest people that have changed my mind.  Like Lisa at Overcoming Myself.  Her post on women, perfection and imperfection...  It was like she had reached right into my mind.  (See the post here.)  It was a hard-hitting, revealing post that peeled back some layers on my heart and was exactly what I needed from the Lord right at that moment.  I pray that you may find similar insights here.  If you find anything of value, praise the Lord.  Don't think for one second that had much to do with me.  I have come to find that my work is of no value.  Yet whatever work the Lord does has eternal value.  That being said, we will prayerfully move on together.  
Grace and peace to you from our God and Father.

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